Heated mattress pads can be an economical way to keep warm. Gentle heat generated by mattress pads eases tension in addition to being energy efficient. The utilization of Far Infrared heating further rejuvenates the body. Heated mattress pads are perhaps most beneficial to the elderly as they are greatly affected by the cold of winter.
Safety factor concerns also come into play when considering electric mattress pads. Oftentimes electric heated blankets are not recommended for use with electric adjustable beds, waterbeds, or blowup airbeds yet the warnings are ignored. Like all electric appliances, a control may not work properly, perhaps the blanket becomes bunched up causing an overheated condition, or a heater wire might break. Therefore, it is foolish to allow anyone who is helpless, paralyzed, insensitive to heat, or incapable of understanding the control’s operation to use these appliances. Did you know that heaters remove ambient moisture, which in turn dries out your skin? As we age, the skin naturally dries therefore it stands to reason regular heaters would have a greater affect on the elderly.
One brand, the Shield Life TheraMat Mattress Pad, makes use of the most advanced Far Infrared (FIR) heat and negative ions to maximize your rest and recuperation during sleep. Having patented EMF shielding, continuous temperature-sensing technologies provide safely maintained levels of rejuvenating warmth.
However, the Shield Life TheraMat mattress pad warms only the areas you desire, creating an oasis of wellness, by soothing and surrounding the body in negative ions. Additionally the TheraMat mattress pad can be utilized during the summer months; simply leave the mat turned off while plugged in and receive the benefits of negative ions all year round.
According to the retailers, “These Shield Life TheraMat mattress pads are hand-crafted using the finest materials and most advanced components, turning your ordinary bed into a plush, wellness sanctuary.”
My father has been quite interested in purchasing heated mattress pads for a few years now. Given his memory and limited mobility, the family opposed. Since he is living with us, he will be monitored so I am inclined to buy him one for Christmas!