Hope everyone had a superb week. The midlife outlook is still the same here and I am happy to report no catastrophes came to pass, thank the Lord. The job search is ongoing and in the name of extra income, I agreed to a bit of wishful window browsing. Java won’t be hosting the Follow Friday this week as such my top five picks came from a previous week. However, before I share my top five midlife blogs, I have a question for you all.
What you think of a midlife redhead wearing purple shades?
We talk about being as young as we feel. Oh my gosh I would sooo love to own these Oakley Sunglasses! Definitely 70s, these glasses are totally me. The description reads, “A little new wave and a little old school, FRINGE is designed for the young and the young at heart. A modern version of the cat eye shape, these are the sunglasses for girls who want to have fun. Fresh and cool, they’re the perfect companions for a day in the sun. “New wave and old school works right?
I live in SW Florida where the sun is brutal and as a result never leave the house without sunscreen. Lord knows I do not need another wrinkle. Besides the aging, the Big C runs deep in my family and those UV rays are cancer waiting to happen. Did you know the eyes could sustain great damage from UV rays?
“Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin cancer, but UV light from tanning beds is just as harmful. Exposure to sunlight during the winter months puts you at the same risk as exposure during the summertime.
UV radiation increases your odds of getting cataracts, have been linked to macular degeneration, a treatable, but incurable disease a part of the retina that is vital for sharp vision.
Other UV-related eye problems include pterygium and pingueculum, both tissue conditions related to the white of the eye.
Sunlight that bounces off highly reflective surfaces such as snow, water, sand, or pavement can be especially dangerous.
Oakley is a well-made brand of sunglasses. They claim the lens material filters out 100% of UVA / UVB / UVC and harmful blue light up to 400nm. First-rate protection along with fashion comes with a price I know. You can bet, as soon the job hunt has successfully ended I will be looking to pick up a pair of Oakley Sunglasses.
Enough about my sunglasses, here are the top five over 40 blog picks for this week. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
1 – New adventures 2011 – The title says it all! Deb is a lifelong learner exploring new adventures after 32 years as an educator and the author of this exciting lifestyle blog.
2- Tootsie Time – Glenda, aka Tootsie, is a mother of three who lives and gardens in Central Alberta Canada. Here you will find everything about gardening.
3 –No Filter Mom – Debbie is a 40-something in New Jersey whose lifestyle blog is focused on reading and family life.
4-Apron Senorita – Yoli is a Christian single mother from Texas with two teen kids that are her joy and inspiration. Outside of her full-time career, she owns an apron etsy shop. Her lifestyle blog is a compilation of creative anecdotes and beautiful photos.
5- Maybe It’s Just Me – A lifestyle blog focused on everyday experiences. Andrea says, “Many times during the course of my day I think ‘hmmm…this would be funny if it was happening to someone else’, so here I am, in hopes of bringing a smile!”
Please do link up here if your over forty and proud of it!
Copy this code to add the linky to your blog – <script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://www.simply-linked.com/listwidget.aspx?l=719c618a-8197-4834-939f-105ebb5f5caf” ></script>

well thank you so very much!!! I am delighted to have made the list! I was just on my way over to link in!!! lol
you made my week!
Thanks for stopping by. Glad I made your week too. That’s the whole idea of blog hops and blogging right. You gardens are fabulous btw.
Wow….thanks so much!!! I haven’t ever made a list…so this is exciting for me!!!! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll now follow you.
Have an awesome weekend!!
Well this is a super awesome start to our vacation (and a swell way for me to procrastinate packing as I try to convince my children that they should find me even more swell and amusing!)
Anything to impress the kids is good!
And the purple shades are a must!
Thanks for including me in the Top Blogs. Enjoy the weekend!
I think I got an old one by mistake. Maybe that’s why I haven’t had any replies. My eyes don’t work half the time. I remember someone saying something about vacation. I guess I can just put another name on it and try again tomorrow.
Mine don’t work so well either, along with the memory…. The blessings of aging Geez 🙂
Kathy, thanks for your supportive comments. I never thought my children leaving home would bother me so much. Nice to know I’m not alone.
Stop by and link up your post and thumbnail to Saturday Suggestions.
Have a great weekend.
~ Mona : )
Mona’s Milestones
leaving some ♥ on your sweet blog
Hi, Kathy.
Thanks for this insightful review. Breaking down everything in wonderfully understandable pieces makes Feedly appear very valuable indeed.I can see what you mean about finding the latest cool posts easier.
I am so dependent on my Google Reader for my blog hopping but I am going at it alphabetically, which considering that I have been adding more and more people to it, is so time consuming. So, I think I am Feedly is going to help me along amazingly. I am going to explore the app some more and discover what else I can learn from it based on your post.
Again, thanks, Kathy! It’s nice to know you here. Will check out your site soon. 🙂
I love the glasses. There nothing wrong with wearing something that makes you feel good about yourself. Yes, the sun can damage your eyes, and everything else to or so it seems. I try to use some common sense and take the precautions so I don’t damage my skin.
Thank you so much for your kindness in taking the time to stop by and comment on my blog. I’m way over 40 and 50 (56) and don’t have a focus on my blog for any particular age, but I just wanted to come over and say ‘hello and thank you”…..I’m your newest follower and I hope that I have the blessing of your return to ‘my place’. roz
Hi Kathy, I’m so stupid! I had no idea that this was your blog! But I still want to thank you for stopping by! What a great idea to have a blog for ‘mid-life’ women…..I struggle with it, but deal with it, I guess.
OH Roz you are so funny, you aren’t stupid!! Lots of my foodie friends don’t know about my “other” blog. Besides my passion for food, I’m a middle aged geek 🙂 What better topic for me to blog about, right? Don’t feel alone, we all struggle with some aspects of this middle phase. With a bit of luck and some camaraderie we can overcome/deal with the midlife shortfalls with ease.
I’m happy that you stopped by 🙂