Employment Alert: I came across an online job search web site dedication to administrative jobs. A quick search of Florida returned 743 jobs less than thirty days old. Were they legitimate jobs? I think so. The work from home jobs appeared as is with all of the online job search sites.
However, the work from home jobs were clearly marked as such on this sight. Furthermore, searching easily filtered and eliminated these jobs (or WAH ads as I call them ) Additionally, administrativejobs.com is a division of the Beyond.com Network. The largest network of niche career communities, providing access to thousands of top-tier industry and local web sites. Beyond.com has been around for quite some time, earning awards from jumbos like Philadelphia Magazine, Deloitte, PCMag.com, and Forbes.com. Being part of such a large and longstanding network site prompted this post.
Hopefully administrativejobs.com will help someone in need of an administration job! Good Luck!
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for mentioning Beyond.com and our AdministrativeJobs.com site. We also have a blog that focuses on careersearch tips and job trends within administrative careers. Thought I’d share the link to this newly launched blog as well: http://www.administrativejobsblog.com
Thanks for the mention!
Jen Hitchens @JenHitchens – Social Media Manager @Beyond_com