Drug addiction can happen to any family. Early detection and family intervention oftentimes will prevent a lifelong addiction.

Having personal experience through extended family members and friends, I believe that intervention works in many cases. Impressed with intervention methods and the reality shows that expose the method, I read up on several different intervention programs.

I am down again - drug poster campaign (hdr)

Image by Adam Foster | Codefor via Flickr

The founder of intervention 911 was himself an addict. His BlogSpot bio reads, “After struggling with his own addictions and finding long-term recovery, Ken Seeley was determined to give back by helping people caught up in the destructive and often fatal cycle of addiction. In 2002, Intervention 911 was born out of that desire and since then, has been providing families and their loved ones options and solutions leading to life-long recover. By developing the H.E.L.P.S. method of intervention, based on life experience and industry best practices, Ken Seeley, and his team of professionals have helped thousands of families regain hope and serenity. Addiction is a progressive disease to which there is no simple formula. Intervention 911’s approach to recovery is both individualized and effective, considering every possible variable…”

Family First Intervention, Intervention 911, and A & E’s Intervention reality show agree that addiction is not caused by the family nor is it anyone in the families fault. However unless all people in the family agree to change direction, the cycle of insanity caused by this addiction is more likely to repeat. It was interesting to learn that, according to Natasha Vargas –Cooper of The Daily Beast, “A key factor in the show’s high recovery rate only gets about two minutes of air-time: the intervention training with the addict’s loved ones.”

Ken Seeley, founder of intervention 911, claims only 1% of all addicts choose rehabilitation. Interventions are delicate matters and it is vitally important that they be done properly with the help of professionals. Once the addict has agreed to enter rehabilitation, it is vital they are admitted to a center such as Malibu Horizon in California, immediately. Malibu Horizon is a well know, successful rehabilitation and drug detox center program that has been featured on ABC, Fox News Channel, A & E’s Intervention 911, and MTV.

My cousin was a heroine addict since the mid 1960s. Intervention was not an alternative for families back then. The family did seek professional advice without much success. Ultimately, it took until she was nearly 40 years old to admit her addiction and want to be rehabilitated. I talked with her a few years ago for the first time in more 15 years. My cousin looked really, really good. We talked for a long time and I was happy to learn that not only has she been drug free for the past 25 years but also more importantly, she is truly happy.

So, if a friend, co-worker, loved one, or family member is refusing to get help, please call a professional right away, before it’s too late.