The Social Moms community has teamed up with Universal Pictures to create an Easter Buzz! Hop, the newest media enriched animated Universal Pictures movie will be in theaters this Friday. Social Moms are being asked to share their favorite thing about Easter.
First, let me share a bit about Hop. From the makers of Despicable Me, this is a candy, chicks, and rock n roll comedy the entire family will enjoy. According to the blog call, “Hop is a comedy about E.B., the teenage son of the Easter Bunny. On the eve of taking over the family business, E.B. leaves for Hollywood in pursuit of his dream of becoming a drummer. Once there, he encounters Fred recently fired and determined to pull his life together. Feigning injury, E.B. persuades Fred to take him in, and Fred finds himself living with the world’s worst houseguest. Back on Easter Island, the Easter Bunny’s second in command, an oversized chick named Carlos, seizes E.B.’s disappearance as an opportunity to plot a coup. Ultimately, Fred and E.B. are Easter’s only hope and they find themselves returning to Easter Island, locked in an epic battle to save the beloved holiday.“ Voices by Russell Brand and James Marsden of the X-Men series will surely make this movie extra special.
Easter is a very special holiday for several reasons. The Easter season is, in terms of my spirituality, a time to cleanse, refresh, and renew. Our family, like many Christians, celebrates the resurrection of Christ and the rebirth of a new spiritual life.
The spiritual renewal coincides with the budding of the first flowers of spring, pastel colors, and the whimsical feeling known as spring fever. Dying Easter eggs was one of my favorite traditions.

Rachael and Brian, My niece and nephew
Being blessed with two boys one would assume this task was not embraced when my children were beyond toddler age. For this Mom it was quite the contrary! The boys knew how much I enjoyed dying eggs and obliged me in this up until they moved out of the house. Of course, the young nieces and nephews oftentimes would be visiting, reducing the boys participation to assistant egg dyers. **smile**
Remembering how we so carefully dipped the eggs in various colors to create stripes or new colors. My oldest was exceptional at drawing and animation. He would sketch characters and designs on the eggs with wax crayons, dying them afterwards. The youngest always enjoyed the shrink-wraps and mastered the process.
Perhaps it was the joyful renewing of my soul that resonated throughout the house and so impressed my sons. Or maybe it was simply the fun we shared together in this Easter tradition that made a deep, lasting impression. Either way, it is amazing and heart warming to know my sons truly appreciated the fun and joy decorating eggs brought to their mother. My sons are 24 and 29 now. The youngest an ex-musician turned photographer and the oldest an 8 year marine now living in Hawaii. If they were to be home this Easter, I would not be the least bit surprised if they suggested we dye eggs!
Now for the legal stuff, just in case you didn’t already figure it out! “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hop blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”