Avon “Solutions” Skin Care Products
For many years, I was an Avon representative. I thought it might be nice to share with you my personal views and experiences with Avon and other skin care products. Or perhaps you have a pointer for me?
One of the most impressive lines of products was the Solutions skin care products. The packaging has been redesigned several times over the years however the products remain constant. Two of the products I use regularly are the Solutions Total Radiance Day and Night Cleanser and the Solutions Plus Total Radiance Thermal Cleanser.
While I am not a “high maintenance” kind of woman, and do not buy into the idea that skin regimens will keep the epidermis looking twenty, I do care for my skin. In my opinion, I wash my face every day, so why not use a product that is easy, effective, and economical.
The texture of Total Radiance cleanser is comparable to a creamy lotion rather than a coarse cleanser. A very gentle and soothing cleanser, I have found it to be safe to use every day. Since it does not contain those harsh, gritty scrub granules, my skin was consistently smooth. In fact, my face feels moisturized, radiant, and smooth, as the title claims. After rinsing, my face feels soft, smooth, and supple. My light completion has had no allergic to this cleanser.
The Thermal cleanser I used once a week to clean away those dead, oil laden cells that give your skin a dull, aged appearance. The motion of washing in conjunction with water heats up the cream and gently cleanses the skin. The warmth on the face is quite a radiant feeling. My skin is too fair and sensitive to use this skin cleanser more than once a week. One application does keep my skin looking bright throughout the week.
I greatly recommend this line of cleansers to women who have sensitive, combination skin and choose not to partake in a large skin regiment.