Lapel pins are one of many promotional products used in marketing plans. Bet you thought I was referring to Pin Up Girls didn’t you. Nevertheless, a marketing plan generally includes three primary goals: create brand recognition, improved corporate identity, and to institute or expand customer connections.
Brand recognition is easily created and reinforced with lapel pins. An organization is well branded when someone can mention an icon or your tagline and people immediately think of your group. Custom lapel pins can relay your logo or message in a memorable way and work continually on your behalf. As others take notice, word-of-mouth marketing takes effect and your brand spreads
Embellished with a company logo, custom lapel pins represent an organization in a superior fashion. Custom designs convey distinction and quality and as a result strengthen corporate identities.
Because a lapel pin is often considered jewelry, that high perception value helps encourage a more personal connection. In addition, lapel pins are oftentimes perceived as a gift and who doesn’t like receiving gifts? Lapel pins make wonderful greeting gifts to connect with customers. Be it new or existing customers do respond favorably to companies who articulate, “We’re grateful for your support!”
Many of the lapel pin manufacturers offer free artwork and design with revisions, free full-color proofs delivered via email, and free shipping. Prices vary with each style of pin however all manufacturers offer discounts based upon the quantity of lapel pins ordered.
Lapel pins are one of the most economical and versatile promotional products I have assessed. Why? In comparison to tote bags or magnets, tote bags are much more expensive and magnets while affordable, the products are short lived. Another positive is not only are lapel pins a marketing tool but also can be used to award employees who have excelled. This dual role provides an additional benefit for the company identity through employee relations in addition to the economical value of a dual product purpose. As a result the lapel pin scores highest in my business product promotion book.
What promotional business products do you prefer?