Should I really be blogging about fireplaces and mantles in July? Oh c’mon others do Christmas in July so why not fireplaces? Besides that, we are past the halfway mark for 2010. Before you know it, New Year’s Eve will be here again!
Mantles direct has some beautiful fireplace mantles on display. My hubby would really love to have a fireplace, even if we do live in Florida! He has talked about building a fireplace in the family room for several years now. Our neighbors have one, ceiling to floor made of real stone and it is beautiful. Yes, they did use it during the winter months this year. Seems the weather patterns are changing quite a bit. I was surprised when we made it through April without using the air conditioner. Getting back to those mantle pieces, not only does Mantles Direct supply single shelf mantle pieces, they also offer outdoor fireplaces, direct-vent gas fireplaces, ventless gel fireplaces, traditional surrounds, and accessories as well.
The hubby would be keen on this site I am certain. They must be thinking Christmas in July too because they are offering an easy 3 pay plan, available until July 31st . And if that’s not good enough, they are offering free shipping, no sales tax, and the outdoor fireplaces are on sale. Oh I just love those outdoor fire pits, don’t you? So, if you are interested in a fireplace, you might want to check them out soon.

Tuscan Mission Style Outdoor Fire Pit