Three daring statements concerning senior life insurance by Jan Pinney:
1. One of the biggest money saving tips that I have to offer you is… you must make a habit of reviewing your policies each and every year!
2. He had a policy that was costing him $12,660 dollars a year. So my friend ran his information through his computers and found that he could get the same exact coverage for only $7,225 dollars a year.
Mr. Melnick didn’t believe him… he thought he was lying.
3. My company has streamlined the process of shopping for life insurance. I have a network of computers that monitors over 186 or America’s top life insurance companies.
All the companies that I quote have been rated Excellent and Superior by A.M. Best.
Having twenty plus years of small business responsibilities I can not imagine this insurance servicing company would make such audacious statements based on lies, I’m just sayin’.
The first tip is true, true, true. Annual insurance reviews are extremely important. December was always insurance review time in our office. That being said I must admit to never applying the theory to our personal or family life insurance policies.
It shocked me to see the name of the Chairman of Pentech International, Inc. used in the second statement. My instincts articulate a lawsuit would have ensued had this been a lie.
Think about the savings she claimed as well, definitely lawsuit material right?
As for the third statement, monitoring a great deal of insurance companies is not far fetched or out of the norm. My first thought was, carriers are in all probability C rated or from a surplus line. As I read on, all of the monitored insurance companies allegedly hold an excellent or superior rating.
If in fact these insurance statements are true, this servicing company is worth a look. The website provides a link to instant quote comparisons. The quotes look close to our current insurance with A+ rating. I am impressed. Knowing that finding affordable senior term life insurance can be a complicated and daunting task, I hope this company can help you out.
You can bet our life insurance will be reviewed this month. I am going to get solid quotes from Ms. Pinney.