Selling off one’s hair, sperm, or eggs may perhaps be the ultimate sign of just how bad the economy is for many people. There are countless news reports asserting people who would not ordinarily partake in body part selling have changed their views.
For me, after dedicating over twenty years to building a small construction business, the lack of residential construction has me returning to the workforce. Oh great, just what I thought I would be doing at fifty! Being a midlife woman with limited recent experience, outside of my profession, is an additional obstacle to overcome. Furthermore, for every job opening the amount of applicants are huge. However, the fertility sales route is something I would never consider. EVER. Financial hardship did not and could not change my position but selling one’s hair is something perhaps to be considered.
Fertility sales – Changing trends
In a 2009 ABC News report the president of Alternative Reproductive Resources, an agency that pairs egg donors with infertile couples, said several of the clinics in the Chicago area reported an increase in women looking to donate.
“In my 16 years in this field, I’ve noticed a trend that when the economy or unemployment rate starts slipping, we start receiving way more calls. Lately, we’ve been very busy — much more than usual,” she said.
The president went on to say the calls and internet inquiries were astronomical however, because target age is 21 – 29, in 50 phone calls they might get one suitable donor. This is not an economic advantage for midlife women but huge for the 20 something gals who might qualify.
It went on to note that on average a donor makes $7,000 to $10,000, with larger sums paid to women in wealthier regions of the country, such as the Northeast. Lucrative price for a few good eggs but still not something I could do. I believe this is something only God controls.
A spokeswoman for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine commented, “But just because there is increased attention expressed, doesn’t mean there are more completed donations. This is not a simple or casual decision. There is first a medical and psychiatric evaluation and then what amounts to outpatient surgery.” This further bolsters my position, no surgery for me friends!
Human Hair Sells
Selling human hair is becoming the new body-selling trend and one even a midlife woman could possible embrace. The National Geographic Explorer maintains the market for human hair is a multimillion-dollar business reaching far beyond the internet.
“Human hair wigs can range from $400 to $5000…. Every year, the U.S. imports millions of pounds of hair.”
In April a recent Sky News report claimed the celebrity obsession with hair extensions is growing and so is the demand for so-called ‘virgin Slavic’ hair. It went on to say, “Untreated hair from young Russian women makes big profits – but hardly any of it gets passed back to the women at the beginning of the chain.” I can only assume these women are not afforded internet access. While they do receive compensation that is helpful, they could potentially net big bucks selling hair online.
Buy and Sell Hair Online is one place where women can sell their hair. The site is a classified ad site in which the seller would simply post their hair ad to then be contact by potential buyers. The company makes no claim to the length of time or success rate on sales but does offer an extensive how to sell your hair guide along with quality customer support. Registering for an account to buy and/or sell your hair is free. Fees for ad placement are clearly disclosed and quite affordable in my opinion. Like other online classified ads sites, additional services to sell your hair such as featured ads are available. I was most impressed with the testimonial section of the site.
One of the hair sellers posted this testimonial, “his is a great website and have had great luck with plenty of buyers and interests. I had one bad scammer, “Angela Anderson, modeling manager” sent me a cashiers check that looked very real for $1900 over the amount of sale. She stated that the extra was to be wired via western union to the “shippers” We called the bank that supposedly issued the cashiers check and they were able to run the check # and told us it was a fraud check. Just beware of buyers stating “extra money”, and “shippers”, and “not having paypal” so sending cashiers checks. Paypal is not difficult at all to set up. Scams can happen everywhere so I still give the website 5 stars. They have a great website setup, offer quick responses to questions and help, and are very user friendly. I just wanted to warn others of my scam experience.”
To me, buy and sell hair offers women more than simply the opportunity to make money by selling their hair. They offer support for buyers and sellers onsite as well as on facebook. The site posts testimonies sharing positive and negative experiences. The users offer advice to women partaking in these types of sales. One must use caution and common sense. Investigate as the testimonies suggest and communicate with the site owners when in doubt.
Final Thoughts
By writing this review my position on selling or lending out fertility parts has not changed. In fact, I learned that I am basically an old-fashioned woman and way too scared to venture into these waters. My faith remains unshaken by finances; God is still the ruler of child bearing and money – or the lack thereof – does not change my belief.
Hair is definitely a different story. My thick, wavy red hair extended beyond the small of my back not so long ago. The choice of wearing a shorter hairstyle came about at the onset of midlife. That is not to say that middle-aged women should have short hair but for me shorter hair is easier and more appealing. Without doubt, I would have sold those long red locks, especially in this economic setting!
Would you sell your hair or your eggs for money in desperate economic situations?
This has been the case for most of the Third World countries. Most of the poor are tempted to sell their organs, blood, etc. below the market price, just so they could eat and provide food for their family. The sad thing is there is no government regulation to protect for the citizen’s safety and health.
I think it’s hard to say, with any certainty, what we would or wouldn’t do if we needed money badly enough! I’m not surprised to hear that hair is in demand, though. I’ve stumbled across a surprising number of news articles about salon robberies involving large quantities of expensive hair extensions! Who knew?